
It was an evening in July and I walked from the terrace to a wooden bench under the Magnolia. Passing the Long Border the setting sun lit the Alliums and Grasses. I sat for awhile and was entranced by all the things we have managed to accomplish so far. A blackbird above me was singing his song. Life was just perfect”

Laying out the garden 2010-2016

We, Frank Fritschy and Dorothee Dahl started our project Viller the Garden in 2010 by transplanting more than twenty grown up Rhododendrons to the American Garden. Meanwhile, we constructed the curved paths towards the meadow and the terrace on the west-side of the house. Autumn 2011 marked the start of the creation of the Long Border.  Most paths were realized in 2014 and planting was well on its way.

A year later we embarked on the realization of the Entrance Court and a section on the north side of the house which is specially designed to place shade-loving plants. During the summer of 2015 Doro and I could already enjoy the flowers of many grown-up perennials. The transplanted shrubs were recovering from there move to another part of the garden and we were enjoying to see the first birds taking a bath in the tank.


Drawing by Frank Fritschy (2015)
“A blackbird above me was singing his song. Life was just perfect”

Opening to the Public

The end was nigh and on the newly laid out terrace, we could already enjoy long summer evenings with tasty food and a glass of chilled Riesling. After the entrance drive was finished and after we took a lot of pictures our project was honoured by being selected to be included in the book Garten des Jahres 2016.

On May 25th  2017 we opened Viller the Garden for the first time to the public and we’re proud to welcome more than 170 visitors.

Roses, shrubs and perennials give a dashing show during the summers months…

Evergreens and white flowering shrubs are dominating the entrance…

An upcycled old plastic cistern becomes a bathing place for birds…

Different heathers are blooming almost all the year round…