What’s Going On
April 2017
Last night we had a rather cold night but it didn’t bother all the bulb flowers. The dew on their petals gives them instant freshness. A nice opportunity to take some pictures.
A present from Stefan
In October last year, Stefan gave donated us a packet full of flower bulbs (read my blog called: Presents). In addition, I planted them in November and December. Rather pretty late but surprise, surprise they all grow into lovely plants with colourful flowers.
I was especially delighted with the Tulipa ‘Monte Carlo’. The package promised a quiet harsh yellow but it actually started with a soft cream colour which gradually turned into a creamy-yellow.
Flowering shrubs
Furthermore, we could enjoy a lot of bloom provided by the many shrubs in our garden. We never trim our Prunus laurocerasus with a hedge trimmer. As a result, it flowers abundantly. The same applies to the Kerria japonica. This shrub is intertwined with the Prunus and it twigs stretch towards the light.
There are some early flowering climbers. The lovely Clematis alpina’s and Clematis macropetala’s are the ones you have to look for.
Unfortunately, our soil is not optimally suited for our soil. Nevertheless we are enjoying every year the lovely flowers of Clematis macropetala ‘Markham’s Pink’.
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